People and communities who can help you do the Work
Foundation for New Directions / Holistic Living Center
Cambridge, MA USA
The pioneers of Non-Directed Body Movement are a group in Cambridge, MA, called Foundations for New Directions, established in 1966 under the leadership of Dr. Marvin Solit.
For more information, contact: Jean LeVaux
93 Belmont St., Cambridge MA 02138
Marilyn Beech
Sequim, WA
How do I blend these two processes [Rolfing and Non-Directed Boy Movement]? I still do the ten-series and I still have a lot of clients coming in to get an old injury fixed. What has changed is my focus. What I keep uppermost in my mind is that neither of us, client or Rolfer, knows at this point what this structure is going to look like when function has returned itself to normal. Neither do we know how long this process will take nor what potentially odd convolutions and patterns it will go through. My focus is more to just find constricted patterns in the tissue, help them unwind and let them take whatever course they will.
Everyone has a unique process when it comes to unwinding. Where they go and how they get there cannot be predetermined. All my experience and that of my clients can be compiled to form a general guideline as to the process, but cannot be used to direct, predict, or interpret what will happen with each individual. Used in that manner, guidelines will thwart and stymie change rather than pave the way. I encourage my clients to learn to focus attention on whatever becomes annoying, whether it is emotional or physical, whether it is the recurrence of an old trauma, or pain from a recent one. The attention needs to be devoid of intention and this is a difficult concept for many people to accept. We are programmed to feel we must do something about it! I also encourage clients to continue the process of change that Rolfing has initiated by practicing NDBM as often as possible. To that end I keep my Wednesday evenings open for anyone to come over and get some help in learning to focus and attend to what their control patterns are. It is unknown territory that I am asking people to explore and the unknown can be confusing, perplexing and frightening. It helps to have company. Dr. Solit and his group of friends are great company. They have been working with this process for 31 years and have a plethora of experiences and results available for us to learn from. The more I understand and experience how a human body connects itself, the more respect I have for Dr. Rolf's vision of human potential. I have found that NDBM can take us directly to the heart of her vision.